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Laura Calabrese

I believe profoundly in individual and in his capacities to motivate himself, to change as well as to constantly look for improvement and self-learning.
After a Bachelor's degree in journalism, I lived and experimented several structures and corporate strategies during more than 20 years, in the watch-making sector then in the sector of services, with a last position as HR Manager in a company very oriented in human resources. Due to my experience, my federal certificate in HR and my certified training (member ICF1), I was able to work on several HR concepts, to apply a large range of HR tools and to train collaborators at every level of the company.

Even if your needs are professional (professional coaching) or private (life coaching), you wish to look for a person of confidence. This partner you wish to be it at the same time rich in professional experience as well as very pragmatic and of course, you also would like to be welcomed with very good listening skills and empathy. Regarding your professional and/or private blockings, I have a particular approach which allows me to help you to welcome and better manage your feelings. You will reach better knowledge of yourself and you also will strengthen your respect and self-confidence.
You will be able to find a place where, in confidentiality and security, you will meet your blockings and will decide yourself on the necessary solutions to go out of them.

¹ ICF = International Coach Federation

Laura Calabrese